For many people it can be a big step to contact a Psychologist – even if we wish it wasn’t so. It can be a confusing process to get help, and the most common questions people have are:
Therefore we offer a 10 min. session per phone, where we can answer your questions. Or you can book a full session online – “Therapy in English”, and we can take from there. This session costs DKK 1200,-.
Welcome to Mentalt Overskud psychology practice in Lyngby. We are a group of independent psychologists who specialize in matching you with the best psychologist, ensuring you get the right help.
If you are looking for a good psychologist for individual therapy, couples therapy, or psychiatric assessment for young people and adults, you have come to the right place.
Research shows that psychological treatment is most effective when tailored to you. That’s why our psychologists have different methods, specialties, and experiences.
If you are seeking effective psychological help for the assessment of ADHD or therapy and treatment for anxiety, depression, stress, loneliness, or other challenges affecting your mental health, our licensed psychologists can assist you.
We use evidence-based psychological methods with documented effects based on scientific research.
Hvis du vil bestille en tid hos en psykolog eller har spørgsmål, så er du meget velkommen til at sende en besked her. Vi vender altid tilbage til dig, oftest samme dag.
OBS lægehenvisning kan ikke bruges hos os.
Mentalt Overskud er en psykolog praksis nær København som tilbyder terapi og udredning til børn, unge, voksne, par og familier.
Vi specialiserer os i at matche de personer vi hjælper med den rette psykolog – både i forhold til psykologens erfaring, metode og personlighed.
Lyngby Hovedgade 98,
2800 Kongens Lyngby
Frederiksberggade 26, 2. sal, 1459 København K.